General Information

  • The Con is being held at the Exhibition Hall at the Alliant Energy Center.midnight.
  • Exhibition Hall hours are 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Thursday - Saturday,  and 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Sunday.

General Policies

It is expressly understood by all Gamehole Con vendors and exhibitors that each and every vendor and exhibitor will abide by Gamehole Con's Attendee and Code of Conduct policies. Consequences for violations are exactly the same for vendors and exhibitors as they are for attendees.

Before the Con - Shipping Materials

If you are sending any materials to the exhibition hall prior to the conference, the mailing address is:

Gamehole Con
[Your company name and booth number]
1919 Alliant Energy Center Way
Madison, WI 53713
Mark the boxes: HOLD FOR GAMEHOLE CON October 16th

To make arrangements for the Alliant Energy Center to receive your materials you need to go to and select "Order booth furnishings." Select "Go to Store" next to Gamehole Con on the next page and then you will need to create or sign in to your Alliant Energy Center account. Enter your booth number, which can be found at, and then click "Ok". Click "freight handling" from the next list and enter a description and total weight for your materials. You should be able to save and check out from there. Your materials will be stored near the exhibition area and delivered to your booth on the 15th. *Please note that freight will not be accepted until 1 week prior to the event. For questions related to shipping and related costs please contact Becky Abing at

Contact Us/Questions

Please direct all inquiries for exhibitors to Sean Riley at You can call or text Sean with questions at 608-895-5483.

Set up

  • The exhibitor area will be held in the Exhibitor Hall on the first floor.
  • Set-up time in the Exhibition Hall will begin on Wednesday, October 15th at noon and will run until 8:00 p.m. that evening.
  • Your assigned table will be marked.
  • After setting up, please break down any unwanted boxes and hand them to a volunteer for recycling. Empty boxes may be stored in the storage room for later use, but please do not leave any materials in storage after the conference.

Exhibitor Booth Furnishings

  • As we indicated in this year's prospectus, each booth will only include pipe and drape this year. If you require tables or any other furnishing you can either bring them in or order them from the facility. These can all be requested using the same Exhibitor page listed for freight above, just select booth furnishings, then Furniture. ●Wireless internet access is available throughout the Exhibition Hall. Dedicated wired connections and premium wireless access must be purchased separately using the previously referenced Exhibitor page on the Alliant Energy site.
    ● Power drops are also available through the Exhibitor page.


After unloading, you may park in any of the facility parking lots.


There will be several food outlets located inside the Alliant Energy Center and food carts available just outside of the Exhibition Hall. The facility is also located within 1-2 miles of several other restaurants.


Hotel rooms with negotiated show rates are available through our housing portal.

After the Conference - Packing Up

  • If you would like the hotel to ship your boxes after the Con, please make sure to provide prepaid shipping labels for their return. You will leave your taped and labeled boxes ready for shipping in the Exhibition Hall.
  • Please break down any unwanted boxes and hand them to event staff or volunteers for recycling. PLEASE dispose of all trash and do not leave any materials in the exhibit area or storage room.

Booth Space Assignment:

All space is assigned solely by Gamehole LLC. Gamehole LLC's decisions about exhibitor space assignments are final and binding.

Exhibitor Badges

  • Exhibitors are allotted four complimentary exhibitor badges per booth.
  • Badges will be available for pick-up at your booth starting on set-up day, October 16th.
  • Badges beyond the allocated complimentary number are available at the regular cost.


Security personnel will be present during all hours of the show and after hours; however, Gamehole LLC is not responsible for property loss, so please arrange your exhibit to discourage shoplifting. Show Management strongly encourages all exhibitors to take reasonable precautions to prevent theft and damages. If an incident occurs, please inform security staff immediately.

General Rules and Regulations

  • Handbill distribution is permitted only within the exhibiting company's booth or at exhibitor-sponsored events. No material may be posted on convention walls, fixtures, or furniture. Violators are responsible for all fees and damages incurred from the removal of such postings.
  • Adhesive stickers are prohibited in the Convention Center. Exhibitors are liable for all costs and expenses associated with sticker removal.
  • Absolutely no selling, soliciting, or handbill distribution is allowed outside of rented booth spaces.
  • Exhibitors must comply with, and be bound by, all laws, ordinances, and regulations of the country, state, county, city, facility, and, whenever applicable, police and fire departments.
  • Authorized company representatives must staff exhibits during all exhibit hall hours.
  • No exhibitor or member of an exhibit may promote, display, or behave in a manner considered offensive to decency or good taste as determined by Show Management.
  • Demonstrations and all other activities must be confined to the limits of exhibitors' booths. Aisles may not be obstructed at any time. Exhibitors may not conduct activities of any kind that lead to congestion of aisle traffic.
  • Music may not be played without the proper license of copyrighted music. Volume must be appropriate as determined by Show Management.
  • Attendees and exhibitors are expressly prohibited from carrying weapons and/or weapon replicas. Weapons on display must be secured to tables or display for safety. Weapons purchased in the Exhibit Hall must be safely contained or packaged by the seller in such a manner that all edges are covered securely, and the purchaser must remove purchased weapons from the convention site to a safe location (hotel room or vehicle) at his or her earliest opportunity.
  • No one will be allowed into the Exhibit Hall during closed hours. All needed items and valuables must be taken with the exhibitor before the Exhibit Hall closes each evening. Exhibitors will be allowed into the hall one hour before Exhibit Hall opens and may stay up to one hour after it closes.
  • Gamehole LLC prohibits the sale and/or use of games of chance. Games of chance are defined as games in which a fee is paid specifically for the opportunity to receive an item of interest or value. Games of chance are permitted only as a free promotion or giveaway.
  • Drug paraphernalia, consisting of equipment, product, or material that is manufactured or modified for making, using, or concealing illegal drugs, is prohibited at Gamehole Con and may result in removal from the convention.
  • The removal of exhibits and materials prior to the official close of the Exhibit Hall will not be permitted. Exhibitors must remain present and open until closing on the final day.

Banner and Display Standards

  • All exhibit decorations must meet fireproof standards and city fire ordinances. Applicable certification must be presented upon request.
  • Electrical equipment and wiring must conform to national and local electrical codes.
  • For any company whose booth includes constructed elements of greater than eight feet of elevation, the company must submit plan view (top-down view) and elevation view (view from the front, showing height) designs.

Behavior Standards for Gamehole Con

  • Profanity - The gratuitous use of profanity and symbols considered vulgar by contemporary standards of a product's target market is not acceptable unless integral to a character or story. At the sole discretion of Show Management, such material may not be advertised, displayed, or sold at Gamehole Con.
  • Violence and Gore - Products depicting lurid scenes of excessive bloodshed, gory or gruesome crimes, depravity, lust, filth, sadism, or masochism, presented editorially or graphically, are unacceptable. Products featuring depictions of unnecessary violence, brutality, physical agony, and gore, including but not limited to, extreme graphic or descriptive scenes presenting cannibalism, decapitation, evisceration, amputation, or other gory injuries, may not be advertised, displayed, or sold.
  • Sexual Themes - Displays containing items and/or sexual themes are not permitted. Products depicting rape and graphic lust may not be advertised or sold.
  • Products featuring sexual perversion and/or sexual abnormalities are unacceptable for advertising, display, or sale.
  • Nudity - Displays or advertising containing nudity are not acceptable. Degrading or salacious displays are unacceptable. Explicit depictions or facsimiles of reproductive organs are not permitted.
  • Affliction - Advertising or selling items containing disparaging graphic or editorial references to physical afflictions, handicaps, or deformities are not permitted.
  • Supremacy - Advertising or selling products that depict minority and/or nationalities as inferior to other races is not permitted.
  • Religion and Mythology - Actual, current religions are not to be promoted, depicted, ridiculed, or attacked in any way. Ancient or mythological religions, such as those prevalent in ancient Greek, Roman, and Norse societies, may be portrayed in their historic roles.
  • Addictions - Addictions of any kind should not be presented as glamorous or entertaining. Addiction or the encouragement of addiction should be shown as a dangerous habit with harmful effects.
  • Wearing and Selling Costumes or Weapons - Advertising, wearing, and selling costumes is permitted if they are in good taste and do not present a hazard to others such as sharp edges or protrusions (measured by contemporary standards/values). All twentieth-century costumes or uniforms are prohibited from the convention. Uniforms of those currently on active duty in the military are exempt, assuming they are properly attired. No one may carry weapons or weapon replicas. Weapons for sale must be inoperable and/or locked and/or encased and/or have a limited range of motion so that customers do not have access to them.
  • Video reproductions - you must be officially licensed to sell videos. Sales of reproductions (bootlegs) will not be tolerated.
  • Compliance - All exhibitors and advertisers are obligated to comply with these standards. Failure to comply will result in the refusal of advertising materials, alteration or removal of unacceptable products/activities, or closure of exhibits/displays found to be in noncompliance. In this case, no refunds will be issued for exhibit space or badges.

Security and Liability

  • Exhibitors are solely responsible for paying all applicable city, county, state, and federal taxes on sales and promotional activities at Gamehole Con.
  • Gamehole LLC will arrange for personnel to control access to the Exhibit Hall but is not responsible for any injury to exhibitors' agents, servants, employees, or damage to or theft of property from any cause prior to, during, or subsequent to Gamehole Con. Exhibitors hereby expressly agree to indemnify and hold harmless Gamehole LLC against any and all claims for such loss, damage, or injury.
  • Exhibitors are required to insure their own exhibits, display materials, merchandise, and personnel. Exhibitors agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Gamehole LLC against any and all claims for loss, damage, or injury associated with exhibitor's vehicles, property, personnel, events, and general conduct at the event. In the event that Gamehole LLC or the owners of the convention site are held liable for reasons caused or aggravated by exhibitor's action or failure to act in any manner whatsoever, said exhibitors shall reimburse Gamehole LLC and/or the convention-site owners for all costs incurred.
  • Exhibitors are fully responsible for any loss, damage, or injury to the convention-site owners or personnel resulting from exhibitors' displays or actions.
  • Exhibitors are fully responsible for any loss, damage, or injury to Gamehole attendees resulting from exhibitors' displays or actions.
  • Exhibitors are liable to the convention services firm for any and all damage, from whatever cause, to rented or leased booth equipment and shall indemnify, defend, or hold harmless Gamehole LLC against any and all claims or suits for such damage.
  • Gamehole LLC reserves the right to cancel arrangements or contracts or close an exhibit whenever it is deemed necessary for the safety or comfort of those attending Gamehole Con whenever the exhibit, activity, or material sold is objectionable or offensive to the average person attending Gamehole Con, whenever legal conditions, convention policies, or requirements of the convention site so dictate, or whenever portions of the convention site are destroyed or damaged.
  • Likewise, Gamehole Con LLC reserves the right to cancel arrangements, contracts, or exhibits if Gamehole Con fails to take place as scheduled, is interrupted and/or discontinued, or access to the premises is prevented or interfered with by reason of any strike, lock out, act of war, act of God, emergency declared by a government agency or Gamehole LLC Management, or for any other reason that terminates this contract.
  • Exhibitors will comply with all laws of the United States as well as all applicable state or local ordinances, rules, and requirements of police and fire departments or other authorities of such jurisdictions, will obtain all necessary permits and licenses with respect to their activities, and will not do or suffer to be done anything during the term of this agreement in violation of any such laws, ordinances, rules, or regulations. If the attention of said exhibitors is called to any such violation committed by said exhibitors, or committed by any person employed by or admitted to the premises by said exhibitors, said exhibitors will immediately desist and correct, or cause to be corrected, such violation. Exhibitors agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Gamehole LLC from any and all costs, suits, and legal proceedings alleging violations of any such law or regulation.
  • Use of any product by any exhibitor, employee, or agent thereof containing the Gamehole Con trademark, the Gamehole Con logotype, or other trademarks owned by Gamehole LLC is prohibited without the express written permission of Gamehole LLC. Exhibitors agree that if any materials making such unauthorized use appear at the convention, Gamehole LLC shall have the right to take possession of and destroy all such materials, as well as to pursue other available legal remedies.
  • All matters and questions not covered by this application and these terms are subject to the decision of Gamehole LLC Management.
  • Exhibitors agree to abide by and conform to all additional rules and regulations from time to time adopted or prescribed by Gamehole LLC for the management of Gamehole Con and the exhibit areas.
  • Exhibitors acknowledge that they have read the preceding terms and conditions, expressly agree to comply with them, and authorize Gamehole LLC to enforce them.

Sunday Tear Down

You may not begin disassembling your exhibitor hall booth before 3:00 pm on Sunday, October 20th without the express consent of Gamehole Con.