DCC - Gnolledge is Power

Start Date & Time Thursday - 5:00 PM CST
Duration 4 hours
Type Role Playing Game
System Dungeon Crawl Classics
Location Hall D - 102
Gaming Experience Some Gaming Experience
Age Range Teens and Up (13+)
Host Mark Manchester
Presented By Wayward Studios

Ticket Information

Cost $8.00
Availability 6 of 6 available

Gnolledge is Power is  a 3rd level DCC adventure. Players learn of a Demonic gnoll cult's plan to summon Ar'Traxxis, their demon god, to our world. Players will venture into an ancient forest, help the Warden of the Wood with her gnoll problem, encounter savage elves, warped by forces unknown, and maybe, just maybe save the world from utter destruction. This adventure is a a playtest for Wayward Studios and players participating in this event will be listed as a playtester in the finished product. This is also the second installment in a three adventure arc. It is not necessary to have played the first installment, From Out of Gnollwhere, to participate in this event as it is designed to be run as either a stand alone adventure, or part of a trilogy.