What is this about a separate Admission Badge and Event Tickets?

There are two basic ways to structure conventions that feature gaming events. One is an all in price that includes a badge and gets you into most if not all of the conventions events; and the other is to set up event/game tickets as a separate transaction. We have chosen the latter because those who come and don't want to play in any scheduled events do not have to pay for events that they are not going to use. This is why our badge prices are lower than the vast majority of larger conventions. Second, if there is a small cost associated with a game ticket, that attendee is much more likely to show up for that game. So, when you attend Gamehole Con, your first step is to acquire a badge and that is possible once General Registration opens. Then, once General Event Registration opens, you can buy tickets to any games that have open seats. 

What are the Con hours?

For Thursday, Friday, and Saturday doors open at 7am and close at midnight. Finally, on Sunday doors open at 7:00 am and close at 6:00 pm. Event hours begin at 8am each day, closing at midnight Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Event hours end at 6pm on Sunday. Registration and Event desk hours start at 7 am each day, and close at 8 pm Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and at 4pm on Sunday.

How can I add more merchandise to my registration after it has been purchased?

If you go to your User Profile page under the Attendance Record section you'll see your 2024 badge listed. Click on "View Details" and then you'll see this year's badge listed. To add a shirt (or other cool swag) click on "Add Options".

What are the Dealer Hall hours?

The Dealer Hall will be open Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 10:00am-6:00pm. Sunday the Dealer Hall is open 10:00am-4:00pm.

Can I still buy badges and game tickets after pre-registration has closed?

Yes. Registration, Games Desk and Will Call will open on Thursday morning at 7:00 am. We will not be set up to address game ticket exchanges or new registrations on Wednesday afternoon. We will be doing just Will Call for those who pre-registered. Registration will open up on Thursday morning for those who need a badge, need to buy game tickets and for those who need to exchange game tickets.

Can I buy game tickets on-line after the show starts so that I can avoid going to the Games Desk and standing in line?

Yes. This year at Gamehole Con, we'll be offering attendees the ability to purchase event tickets entirely online using our mobile website. Any attendee with a badge will be able to browse, search, and purchase tickets for events using your favorite mobile device, and sit down at the table with your virtual e-Ticket to show to the GM.

This service will open on Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 pm.

Can I exchange an event ticket I purchased for another event, or return a ticket?

Yes. On your account page you will see a list of the games that you are currently registered for. There is a link next to them that says "Return for X Credit" where X is the cost of the event. Just click on that, confirm that it's what you want to do, and the ticket will be released and a credit put on your account in the event that you find something else you'd like to play.

Can I add events to my friends wishlists / Can I add events to my wishlist for my friends / Can I submit my friend's wishlist for processing?

No, due to complications arising from miscommunications, we do not allow friends to manipulate friends wishlists or put events in a user's wishlist for someone else. If you wish to be able to do this, and both parties agree, you can convert your friendship into a Family style relationship, which will give a pair of friends the ability to manipulate each others wishlists as if they were a full family account. In order to do this, you will need to contact us to confirm that you wish to make this conversion.

Can I still submit events now that pre-registration is closed?

No. But you can always run anything that you like in Open Gaming. We also have a white board on which you can write your game details in the event you are looking for players.

Can I get a refund on badges or game tickets?

No. But we will issue you a credit for a returned badge or returned game tickets that you may spend on a future badge or future game tickets. The only limitation on this is that a request for a credit must be received before the close of Pre-Registration.

Will there be food carts again this year?

Yes. There will be a nice array of food carts located immediately outside of the convention center.

When can I buy things like Plushies, modules and Official Con shirts?

All retail sales (non admission badge and game tickets sales) will take place at the Gamehole Con retail booth in the Dealer Hall.

How many Special Events can I register for?

Each badge holder is limited to a maximum of 2 special events that they can register for.

Questions About D&D Adventurer's League?

Check out our D&D Adventurer's League Information page for information and who to contact.

Anything Else?

If your questions aren't answered here, feel free to drop us an email at contact@gameholecon.com.

Is there open gaming at Gamehole Con?

Yes. In fact it is promoted and celebrated. Not only do we have substantial open gaming space in the convention space itself, but we also have secured open gaming space in all of the surrounding hotels for open gaming as well. Beyond that, the magnificent Milwaukee Company of Gamers will once again be providing their amazing and expansive games library for our attendees to enjoy.