Sponsorship and Marketing Opportunities for Gamehole Con 2024 (Oct 17-20)

Our dealer hall is full for Gamehole Con 2024; if you are interested in sponsorship opportunities or wish to be added to the mailing list for next year, please reach out to us at marketing@gameholecon.com.

In the years since Gamehole Con was launched in 2013, this convention has become one of the top tabletop gaming conventions in the world. For the GHC team, this meteoric rise has been humbling. Many top publishers now make Gamehole Con their primary show and more are joining each and every year. The reason? Well, our team is absolutely unwilling to compromise on the attendee or exhibitor experience and as a result, our show has experienced a roughly 30% growth rate each year since inception.

2023, our tenth anniversary show, was our best yet. Not only did we set another attendance record, we had more than 6K unique attendees, but also the show itself ran wonderfully smoothly and everyone apparently had a great time.

We now find ourselves as the largest majority RPG convention in the world. And while we have a lot of RPGs, we have so much else including a very strong and growing board game presence as well as a rapidly growing miniatures track.

So, with that preamble aside, we are delighted to announce that we will be back for our 11th show – Gamehole Con 2024! It will once again be held at the Alliant Energy Center Exhibition Hall in Madison, WI. Our dates will be October 17-20.

2024 will be a big year in gaming for another reason. And that is the 50th anniversary of the release of Dungeons & Dragons. There is no question that D&D is foundational and axiomatic to our hobby. While Wizards of the Coast will likely have some new products to release next year, we will be celebrating in our own way. We are working on an attendee experience that celebrates D&D that all of our attendees can enjoy. Stay tuned for that.

This anniversary aside, one of the more popular features of our show has become the dedicated play spaces enjoyed by specific publishers. The best example of this has been the Monte Cook Games Lounge which has been located on the overlook of the second floor. The folks at Monte Cook Games have done a tremendous job with this space and we have received numerous requests from other publishers seeking to set up something similar for themselves.

As our attendees have really enjoyed these dedicated play spaces, we plan on expanding our offerings of such spaces for 2024. If you are a publisher and might be interested in setting up your own dedicated play lounge space please reach out to us as soon as possible. These are unique curated spaces around the convention, so while we are expanding them, they remain limited in number and will no doubt sell out quickly.

Historically, because our show has grown in attendance each year we have run it, we have carefully expanded the size of our vendor spaces to match that growth. Accordingly, we are planning on expanding the footprint of our Dealer Hall for 2024. However, we do not plan on getting rid of the more “open” feel design that we first implemented in 2021.

This change was universally enjoyed by our attendees and exhibitors alike. All the feedback we got was positive about it as our attendees expressed their appreciation for a less crowded feeling Dealer Hall despite our much-increased attendance totals from 2021 to 2023.

Expanding the Dealer Hall will afford our returning vendors the opportunity to add more space if they like and it will also allow us to add a new feature to our Dealer Hall – Crafter’s Corner, a dedicated space for smaller vendors who make their own gaming/fantasy related products for sale.

Finally, as we stated in the lead-up to our 2023 show, for each Dealer Hall space you reserve with us, you will get the 10’ x 10’ space, two chairs, and pipe and drape walls. Because so many of you bring your own tables or don’t use tables, all other items, including tables, power, and internet drops, must be ordered directly from the Alliant Energy Center. We will follow up with detailed instructions on the process for ordering later in the year.

Once again, our Dealer Hall sold out quickly in 2023 and spaces will go even faster this year. Many past exhibitors have asked to come back and we have had many more exhibitors ask to take part in Gamehole Con 2024.

We invite you to join us for Gamehole 2024 and to take advantage of Gamehole Con’s continued growth. The following guide contains just some of the different ways you can be involved at Gamehole Con 2024. If you would like to participate in another way, just let us know!

The Wisconsin Department of Revenue has advised us that each vendor at Gamehole Con that engages in any sales activity at Gamehole Con is required to obtain a Wisconsin Seller’s Permit. As part of this requirement you will need to provide us with your Wisconsin Seller’s Permit number and some additional identifying information regarding your business during the application process. If you were a vendor with us last year you should already have your Wisconsin Seller’s Permit, but for new vendors you simply need to complete this form on the Department of Revenue site to receive your number.

Official Lanyard Sponsor of Gamehole Con 2024 ($5,000) SOLD

We expect at least 5,000 badge wearing people at Gamehole Con 2024. If you sponsor this, we will produce a high quality 5/8th” lanyard complete with a bulldog clip from which every person at the show will hang their badge. You can choose the lanyard color and add a repeating logo including up to two colors. This is an amazing opportunity to get your company’s logo in front of literally each and every attendee, exhibitor and Guest.

Contributing Sponsor of Gamehole Con 2024 ($500)

As a contributing sponsor of Gamehole Con you get:

  • Your logo listed on our site as a link to your website.
  • Your logo and web address listed in our physical and digital program.
  • Your logo (100 x 100 pixels) as a link to your website will appear in each email blast that we send out. There is at least one such blast to our approximately 9,000+ recipients each month. As we get closer to our Con and have deadlines and other matters to announce, those blasts become more frequent.

Supporting Sponsor of Gamehole Con 2024 ($1,000)

As a Supporting Sponsor of Gamehole Con you get:

  • Everything that is included with being a Contributing Sponsor above.
  • Early access to our hotel housing block for Gamehole Con 2024
  • Your logo (200 x 200 pixels) as a link to your website will appear in each email blast that we sent out. There is at least one such blast to our approximately 9,000+ recipients each month. As we get closer to our Con and have deadlines and other matters to announce, those blasts become more frequent.
  • A stand-alone “thank you” post on our Facebook page (~4,800 followers) and via our Twitter account (~3,000) acknowledging your sponsorship and support and telling everyone what makes your business great.

Lead Sponsor of Gamehole Con 2024 ($4,000) SOLD

As the lead sponsor of Gamehole Con you get:

  • Everything that is included with being a Supporting Sponsor above
  • You will be recognized as our Lead Sponsor in each and every one of our email blasts.
  • Priority placement in the dealer hall
  • A full-page B&W ad in our program.
  • A custom door cling on the main entrance with artwork provided by you.
  • Signage in the lobby of the Alliant Energy Center provided by you. We will work with you on the options of such signage.
  • Hanging sign in dealer hall provided by you.

Organized Play GM Lounge (Laughing Otyugh Inn) Sponsor ($3,000) SOLD

This space has sat adjacent to our D&D Adventure League play area for a number of years. As organized play programs from many publishers grow, this space is where GMs in the Organized Play Hall can grab a snack, some water, or some coffee. It is outfitted with comfy chairs, drinks, and other amenities and will be seen by the thousands of attendees that play in our Organized Play Hall, which is one of the largest in the country. As the sponsor of this space, you will be able to set up signage that you provide. Historically we have also used this space to run our special/charity games as well. Finally, if you choose, it can be adorned with branded table coverings provided by you.

Official Reception Sponsor Gamehole Con 2024

We have several exciting party/reception sponsorship opportunities for Gamehole Con 2024.

Lead Kick Off Party Sponsor ($2,500)


Our kickoff party will be held in a ballroom at the Madison Sheraton hotel on the eve of Gamehole Con, Wednesday, October 16th. If you attended last year, you know that the party featured a DJ, a bar, and a pizza buffet. Included in the Lead Kick Off Party Sponsorship is the cost of the DJ. Further, as the Lead Sponsor, you will have complete control of the programing. Do you want to give a talk/presentation? Great. Do you want to give away product? Certainly. Do you want to run demos? No problem. Do you want to put on some sort of AV demonstration? Sure, we can accommodate that. We can customize that evening's events as you like and we will heavily promote your sponsorship of this event.

Drinks Kick Off Party Sponsor ($1,500) 


The Gamehole Con Kick Off Party would not be the same without a drink sponsor! The drink sponsor has the option of simply paying the first $1,500 worth of drinks from the bar located in the party ballroom or to pass out $1,500 worth of drink tickets. In either event, your company will be listed as the co-sponsor of the Kick Off Party and you can place a pop up or similar sign in the party ballroom itself.

Pizza Kick Off Party Sponsor ($1,000)

No party for gamers is a party without pizza! Instantly become the darling of the convention and beloved by all by sponsoring our Kick Off Party pizza buffet! We will handle the ordering specifics. As the pizza sponsor your company will be listed as the co-sponsor of the Kick Off Party and you can place a pop up or similar sign in the party ballroom itself.

POC Industry Member Dinner ($1,500) 


From the very first moment that Gamehole Con became a thing, we have tried to make our show open, inclusive, and welcoming to all gamers. This year, Gamehole Con is excited to host a dinner for new and veteran POC in the tabletop industry. The dinner is an opportunity to meet and mingle with other amazing people of color, connect with collaborators, find mentorship, and grow our diverse industry

Sponsorship helps cover the cost of the dinner and provides a dedicated event for POC creators to connect and support one another. The sponsor is invited and encouraged to send a POC representative to attend the dinner if they so choose and of course will be acknowledged as the sponsor of this new event both on our site and at the event itself including on all signage associated with the event.

Thursday, Friday SOLD, and Saturday SOLD Nights Receptions Sponsor ($1,200 each)

On each of the listed evenings, Thursday, October 17th, Friday, October 18th and Saturday, October 19th, we throw a reception at the Clarion Hotel. At each reception, like the Kick Off Party above, we will provide a half barrel of Spotted Cow beer to be served free to all reception goers. In a more limited fashion than the Kick Off Party, you can give a brief demonstration, give product away, or just be a charming host of the evening. We will promote each of these events indicating who is sponsoring each evening’s reception.

Exhibiting Space in the Exhibitor Hall ($500 - $750)

Our booth spaces are each 10’ x 10’ and come with two chairs along with pipe and drape walls. Each space is only $500 ($750 for a corner booth) for the entire 4-day convention. If you require tables, an electrical drop, or hardwired ethernet for your booth these can be purchased directly through the Alliant Energy Center website. You also receive four universal Gamehole Con four-day badges for your business.

Demonstration Areas in Demo Row ($250)

Our demo row is very popular every year. Each of these 15 tables can be purchased for the entire weekend for $250. These spaces are strictly limited to game designers demoing and selling their own games and supplements. No sales of third-party products are permitted - that is restricted to the Dealer Hall. Each space comes with a draped table and two chairs. You also receive two universal Gamehole Con four-day badges for your business.

Crafters Corner in the Dealer Hall ($250)

A new space for the dealer hall in 2024, Crafters Corner is a dedicated space for smaller vendors that make their own gaming/fantasy related products. These booth spaces are 8’ x 8’ and come with two chairs along with pipe and drape walls. If you require tables, an electrical drop, or hardwired ethernet for your booth these can be purchased directly through the Alliant Energy Center website. You also receive two universal Gamehole Con four-day badges for your business.

Artists and Author Tables in the Dealer Hall ($50)

Our Dealer Hall grows in size and popularity each year. Securing a spot in our Artist Alley or Author space in our Dealer Hall is to ensure a steady stream of Gamehole Con attendees all show long. Each such space secures you a 6’ table, two chairs and a single universal Gamehole Con four-day badge.

Custom Lounge Area ($3,500) SOLD

On the second floor of the convention center, we set up a lounge with couches and comfortable chairs, coffee and end tables and a cash bar that opens each afternoon. This space can be sponsored by your company making this the [YOUR NAME HERE] Lounge. Last year, Monte Cook Games used this space to great effect. We will provide the furniture and configure the gaming/demo/vendor tables in any way that you like. Signage downstairs will direct people to your lounge. Finally, the sponsor of this lounge can place a banner of their creation on the balcony overlooking the show that virtually every Gamehole Con attendee will see.

Custom Gaming/Demo/Vending Area ($1,500) SOLD

We are introducing a new space on the second floor of the convention center this year, on the opposite end from the Custom Lounge Area being filled once again in 2024 by Monte Cook Games. This space can be sponsored by your company making this the [YOUR NAME HERE] Lounge. We will provide tables and chairs in just about any configuration that fits in this space that you like. Signage downstairs will direct people to this space.

Official Sponsor of the GM/Special Guest Lounge ($3,000) SOLD

We love our GMs. That’s why we offer a GM oasis at Gamehole Con each year. This is a private area for GMs and Special Guests to prepare, regroup, and relax. Your business can be the official sponsor of the GM’s Lounge. Your name would be affixed to the lounge, you can place your company’s materials, ads and products in the lounge, and you will receive special mention every time the GM Lounge is advertised.

Official Gamehole Con 2024 Program Ad Space

We produce a fantastic program every year. We offer it in both electronic and print form. We include a fabulous custom map, bios of all the special guests, and tons of other useful information for our attendees. Our program artwork is second to none. We release a digital copy of the program in the weeks before the show increasing your ad’s exposure that much more.

Program ad prices for 2024:

Back Cover Full Color$2,000
Inside Front Cover Full Color$1,000
Inside Back Cover Full Color$1,000
Full Page B&W$600
Half Page B&W$400

Hotel Key Card Sponsorship ($2,000-$3,000)

There are hundreds of hotel rooms in the hotels surrounding the Alliant Energy Center - The Clarion Suites ($3,000), The Sheraton Madison ($2,000), and The Holiday Inn Express & Suites Central ($2,000). Sponsors at this level will be able to customize the art on each and every hotel room key issued in our room blocks over the week of Gamehole Con at one or more of these hotels. What an amazing marketing opportunity! Each and every attendee, vendor, or Guest staying at the hotel(s) you sponsor will have whatever information you want to deliver to them via their room card in their pockets/bags all weekend long.

Lobby Signage ($200-$400)

Have a cool display or sign you want everyone to see? Contact us about specific pricing and locations in our main lobby area!

Hanging Dealer Hall Sign ($600)

If you attended Gamehole Con 2023, you could not miss our elevated hanging display in the Dealer Hall. We can hang your sign in the Dealer Hall where each and every attendee will be able to see it. This is a powerful marketing opportunity. Don’t miss this chance to get in front of literally thousands of your potential customers.

Custom Window Clings ($225-$450 - Space is limited)

We can also produce custom window clings using your artwork for the windows on the first and second floor of the exhibition hall. On the first floor there is a large 117” x 56” window at the base of the stairs used to access the Custom Lounge Area, for $450 your custom cling will be seen by thousands of attendees as they walk the lobby. On the second floor there are two sizes of windows available, a nearly square option for $225 (37.5” x 43.5”) or a larger rectangular option for $350 (115.5” x 43.5”). Our second floor hosts most of our Special Guest games, our seminars, our streaming games, and the popular custom lounge.

Custom Door Clings ($500 per door - Limit of 6 doors)

We can provide custom door clings using your artwork to be placed on either our interior or exterior main entry doors. These are the primary doors used to enter and exit the exhibition hall so your ad will be seen multiple times per day by thousands of attendees.

Custom Floor Graphics

We have the ability to provide custom floor graphics for you company or business. These can be placed in any number of high traffic locations throughout the exhibition hall. If you are interested, contact us about prices and possible locations.

Custom Stair Graphics ($1,000-$3,000)

We have the ability to provide custom graphics for the stairway that accesses our dedicated streaming room, Special Guest gaming rooms, seminar rooms, custom lounge and many other games. These stairs are also visible as attendees walk through our main lobby meaning that virtually every attendee will be seeing your ad multiple times per day.

Anything Else?

Don’t see a promotional item that you want? We are open to new ideas and happy to work with you to create custom solutions that will convey your company’s message in a unique way.

Contact: Sean Riley, Director of Marketing