So, you want to volunteer in the Adventurers League Hall at Gamehole Con...

We're happy to have you here! Welcome to one of the world's largest offerings of Adventurers League!
Before choosing options for volunteering in the Adventurers League hall at Gamehole Con, please review our Game Master Policies and Expectations. All Dungeon Masters, Muster Team and Stage Crew are responsible for following the Policies and Expectations. There are several different opportunities for volunteering among the following categories, join any of them that interest you:
- Dungeon Master. We will be placing events into the schedule for people within our list of Dungeon Masters to volunteer for. To be able to assign yourselves to those events, you will need to join our AL Dungeon Master Group.
- Mustering. We will staff a limited number of Muster Crew to aid the Stage Crew in getting players to their tables and aiding in the condensing of tables should the need arise. In addition, Muster Crew will be expected to be ready to step in and run events in the case of an emergency and a DM isn't able to run their table. To get scheduled for Muster Crew, simply check that option on the volunteer form.
- Set-up/Tear-down. On Wednesday afternoon we will be setting up the AL Hall in Hall A prior to our DM Meeting. Additionally, we will be tearing down Sunday after the last games are complete (and likely starting during the final game slot). If you have a strong back, and are willing to help us out with these tasks, join the Setup Crew. Note: Membership in these groups doesn't grant any benefits, you'll need to be scheduled for work shifts to earn any "thank you gifts," badge reimbursement or DM room share. You can fill out the scheduling form here
What are Your next steps?
Join the Slack Workspace. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. This will be how you are delivered your content to prepare, path to asking questions of the Stage Crew and authors, as well as our primary contact method at the convention.
Once we have confirmed your availability through the volunteer form, we will be sending out your schedule to the email address provided. If you have any questions on the schedule, you can contact us directly, and/or email us at
If you need to remove yourself from an event, you should contact a member of Stage Crew and NOT simply remove yourself from the event. We need to either attach another DM or cancel the event to prevent orphaned tables and upset players.
At the start of your shift on Muster Team, report to the Stage Crew at the Admin Desk. An HQ Member will assign you a duty.
What do You get for volunteering?
Expected game duration will determine the credited volunteer hours. Most modules have a run time of 4 hours. Muster Team shifts have hours calculated by the actual shift duration. Physical rewards are handed out on Sunday at the Admin Desk. Special considerations for releasing thank you gifts will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
When you DM at Gamehole Con, you receive the following benefits:
- Access to the GM & Special Guest Lounge
- If you DM for 14 or more hours, you receive a full weekend badge refund
- Each game you run you get entered in a GM Rewards Raffle (DM shifts only)
- In addition, for DMing in the Gamehole Con Adventurers League Hall: At 14 volunteer hours in the Adventurers League Hall, you qualify for a collection of Thank You Gifts from the convention and their partners. Partners are currently Wizards of the Coast, Beadle and Grimm's and Black Oak Workshop.
- Finally, the first 60 DM's that sign up to run at least 24 hours of Adventurers League content for us will receive a custom D&D hoodie.
Also, at 24 volunteer hours you are eligible for a Room Share. These are 4 volunteers to a room and are in limited supply. Volunteers are signed up in the order their requests are received. Current method for requesting a room is through the #room-share channel in Slack. Verified hours are determined once the request is received.
Room Shares
If you're interested in a room share, you should know a few things:
- All rooms have two double beds.
- Four volunteers are assigned to a room.
- Requests for roommates are handled on a case-by-case basis.
- To ensure your request is fulfilled, confirm you are signed up for 24 volunteer hours before submitting your request.