Those Dark Places: Ana Sid Amid


This event is not a current year's event. Below is for informational and historical purposes only!

Start Date & Time Saturday - 8:00 PM CST
Duration 3 hours
Type Role Playing Game
System Those Dark Places RPG
Location TBD
Gaming Experience Newcomers Welcome
Age Range Adult Players Only (18+)
Host Jeff Conrad

Ticket Information

Cost $3.00
Availability 0 of 6 available

You are sent to investigate and potentially salvage another corporation's transport vessel that has drifted into our corporation's space.  Contact is minimal so far, so it could be in distress, or industrial espionage, or a diversion from the next corporate war? Character generation is straightforward, so we'll be making the new investigation team on the spot. 
Warning: Scenario by the game author involves elements of space horror ( aliens, outland ) both physical and mental.  We'll tone down descriptions from the module to be non-extreme based on a family playtest.  Yet people (NPCs) might have been or are injured on the Ana Sid Amid, and there might be altercations with whatever is still alive on that ship.  Building character pressure may cause player characters to weaken as scenario events unfold.  We'll strive for PG-13.