D&D5e - Live Play - Nazbourah's Imarian Tales


This event is not a current year's event. Below is for informational and historical purposes only!

Start Date & Time Thursday - 6:00 PM CST
Duration 2 hours
Type Role Playing Game
System D&D5e - Set in Imaria
Location TBD
Gaming Experience None
Age Range All Ages (6+)
Host Tommy Gofton
Presented By Six Sides of Gaming

Ticket Information

Cost $0.00
Availability 47 of 50 available

Join our celebrity and industry players as they take a pact from the squirrely djinn Nazbourah.  This short-one shot is guaranteed to test the fellowship of players at the table with horrid monsters, witty NPC's and magic mayhem! The best part is, the audience may help steer this game with giant blown up d20's, suggestions, votes and audience cheers!  
So gather your gear, quell your fear, as the audience does steer. In another Imarian Night!