Learn to Play The One Ring - Moria - The Hideous Stench

Start Date & Time Friday - 3:00 PM CST
Duration 2 hours
Type Role Playing Game
System The One Ring
Location Mendota 1 - 223
Gaming Experience Newcomers Welcome
Age Range Teens and Up (13+)
Host Doug Seipel
Presented By Free League

Ticket Information

Cost $4.00
Availability 0 of 6 available

Learn to play The One Ring:  Balin has sent your company to secretly cross the Misty Mountains to confirm the location of the West Gate to the legendary Khazad-dûm (Moria). You have made it across the Mistry Mountains and now just need to find the West Gate!  Experience the key elements of The One Ring which fully immerse you into the world of Middle-Earth. This exciting introductory adventure also serves as a preamble to Free Leagues The One Ring supplement Moria-Through the Doors of Durin.
Pre-gens provided. 
COUPON: At the end of the event each player will receive a 10% off coupon redeemable at the Free League booth.