The Jerry Stefek Memorial Crawl for the Cure Gamehole Con 2024: DCC Dark Tower Mega-funnel!
This event is not a current year's event. Below is for informational and historical purposes only!
Start Date & Time | Saturday - 10:00 AM CST |
Duration | 10 hours |
Type | Role Playing Game |
System | Dungeon Crawl Classics MEGA-FUNNEL! |
Location | TBD |
Gaming Experience | Newcomers Welcome |
Age Range | Teens and Up (13+) |
Host | Cory Welch |
Presented By | The Jerry Stefek Memorial Crawl for the Cure and friends |
With | Paul Smith Ray Teresi Keith Nelson Jason Hobbs Brian Jubilation Martin Julian Bernick Jim Meyers Edwin Nagy Christophor Rick William Walters |
Ticket Information
Cost | $10.00 |
Availability | 17 of 99 available |
** NOTE: Purchase your commemorative token and fight the evil of Set within the Dark and White Towers as often as there is an opening! Your heroics are needed as often as possible! ** ** PURCHASING A TICKET WILL NOT AFFECT YOUR SCHEDULE. YOU CAN SIGN UP FOR OTHER EVENTS DURING THIS BLOCK. ** ** Memorial Tokens for play will also be available at the Event Registration Table in the Atrium – come whenever you have time and join the Quest! ** The Jerry Stefek Crawl for the Cure and its’ incredible judges are bringing back another Legendary dungeon delve for your limitless bounty of adventure, the DCC Original Adventures Reincarnated release of Dark Tower by Jennell Jaquays and Bob Brinkman for the good of the American Cancer Society (! ALL funds collected will benefit the ACS. We have represented at Gamehole Con four times in the past, and last year we raised an incredible $5,000! We ask you for your help in making the Dark Tower event another record fund-raising year! In an age long past, the malicious evil of the god, Set, sprang forth his Dark Tower before the White Tower of Mitra to assault and irradicate the forces of good contained there. The forces of purity and blight clashed in an epic battle the likes that mortals have never seen! The resulting battle of evil and divine unleashed horrific magic that brought the mountains crashing down on both towers, sealing the majestic structures in darkness and fading them from memory through the veil of time. As the faithful of Mitra, you have been chosen for an extraordinary quest to cleanse the lost temples of the taint of Set and return Mitra back to strength. Join us in this awesome “Mega-funnel” where common 0-level characters dare to delve the overwhelming deep with the help of their guile, objects of power found within, playable avatars of past heroes, and even aid from the celestial allies of Mitra to even the odds versus the dark powers arrayed before you! Your donations to the cause increase your power through boons of fate and Mitra! The more players engaged in the adventure joining one of the three parties questing on the oversized 12x12 map of the towers, the more power you will gain in your conflict with the dark forces of Set. Purchase a ticket for the event and join us whenever you have time for this very special and popular event for the American Cancer Society! You will receive a memorial token for the event to present to play throughout the day! Multiple parties will work together and be sent on missions against the malign forces to rekindle the powers of Light within the White Tower of Mitra! Your donations will directly benefit cancer patients and those affected by their suffering. Each player will receive a "floating ticket" to use for any hour's raffle and a minimum $3 donation will get you another ticket for that hour’s raffle. Non-players can also buy into hourly raffles for the $10 fee, receive a memorial token and join in the raffle fun! Non-players will also receive a "floating ticket" to use for any hourly raffle, and the same $3 minimum donation requirement will apply to any hourly raffles. External donors are encouraged to influence the game with well-placed donations to swing the adventurers’ play for good or ill! Players will be provided with pre-gens of random 0-levels from our towers of fodder populated by the Purple Sorcerer Games ( party generator. Come witness the “towers of meat” containing your replenishment of brave 0-levels in your quest for good, gold and glory! Take your place in the cleansing of the towers for the return of the Light! Other awesome facets of the Jerry Stefek Memorial Crawl for the Cure: - Keep an eye in the Gamehole Con halls on Thursday and Friday! Free Memorial Tokens and a playable Avatar will be in envelopes around the convention to add to the chances of your 0-level character surviving the horrors of the Dark Tower! - Raffles for two original artworks by Nate Marcel of Umerica cover fame, memorializing the most talented Jennell Jaquays and a hard loss from our local RPG community, Aaron Koelman. Nate has immortalized them as wonderful fantasy characters for us to enjoy the memories of these loved friends. The raffles are open to all Con attendees - bring your friends, admire and contribute! - Bridget Traut has created us 3 Owlbear plushies to raffle off! You’ll want to adore these beasties at home! These raffles are open to all Con attendees. - We will celebrate our friends who have passed on with two special monuments: Adventurers’ Rest, celebrating those lost to us in the last year, and the Pillar of Strength, contributed by Peter Garancis, giving us a beautiful, interactive and visual rememberance of those we have lost to cancer while celebrating those who have survived. Place a pinned ribbon in the pillar to honor these loved ones! - The Mega-Funnel will be an experience you won’t forget, allowing your 0-level characters to explore a kiler dungeon and experiencing the craziness of such a funnel simultaneously with up to 18 other participants in the game! It’s an experience you don’t want to miss! - We have 30 different sponsors contributing their incredible products to award you for your donations! Check out the sponsors ( and raffle prize list ( and you will be amazed by their wonderful generosity! ======= On December 28, 2018, the gaming community suffered a major loss of a gaming friend in Jerry Stefek when he was lost to cancer. Jerry was an incredible father, friend, avid gamer, history buff and re-enactor. His love of these hobbies and friends was always evident in his words and actions. We would like celebrate Jerry and do Good works in his name, helping others in their time of need while going through this traumatic illness! Twitter/X: @crawlforthecure Instagram: @jerryscrawlforthecure Gamehole Con Dark Tower Special Rules: Gamehole Con Dark Tower Donation Effects: